Monday, January 26, 2009

Some more of the wet stuff...

Australia Day has come and gone with more partying and drink to go around.  Not too many Australians are exactly sure what Australia Day actually is, but from what I have gathered, it is the day Australia was declared by the English.  There is a tough history of near genocide of the Aborigines, but that's a different story.  

A group of us headed to Surfers for a potential fireworks show on the beach which would have been spectacular, but rain and the possible miss-read of information left us without exploding chemicals, but soaking wet.  We found some refuge under a McDonald's, and then headed into an Irish pub for a drink to celebrate.

It is morning here and it is raining in some degree of intensity for the third day in a row.  The rain here seems to be a stead mist when it does come, and then intensify without notice to a complete downpour.  Of course as I write this at breakfast the sun is beaming out of the clouds and should make for a beautiful day.  Rain here, although it takes away from our beach time and other outdoor nonsense, is great for the area.  I was told that Australia has been in drought for almost SEVEN years now.  That is why all of the toilets have full/half flush options, as well as signs everywhere reminding you to take only 4 minute showers.

Today is my long day of classes.  I start with Australian Sport in the Modern Era from 10-12, followed by lunch and the gym, then to five hours of my film class.  Should be fun.  Not!

One of the last posts I threw out a name of an artist that I currently appreciate.  I did however neglect to give credit to Jason "Big Red" Plotkin for introducing him to my audio life.  Thanks Big Red!

Well breaky is served and its time to chow and get to class.  Talk with you soon!

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