Saturday, January 10, 2009

Leaving the U.S.

Well I am finally here in Australia!  The trip was long (22 hours in planes + 6 hours in airports), but so worth it already.  I left from Boston Logan International en route to San Francisco.  After the 6 hour trip, I only had 45 minutes before my 13 1/2 hour flight to Sydney took off.  

Once off the plane in San Francisco, Guicci and Prada stores (or however you spell them) where everywhere.  Such a different culture out there.  The airport however was extremely easy to walk through and get around.

The flight to Australia was long!  It was every bit as long as one could imagine.  Luckily though, the seat next to me was vacant, and the woman sitting on the aisle was friendly and personable. 

On the flight I watched parts of four movies.  Can I remember any of the titles other than The Dutchess, no, but they were all entertaining enough that my non-diagnosed ADD didn't kick in. 

We were served two meals and a turkey and cheese sandwich which were all surprisingly very good. 

Once in Sydney, the real confusion set in.  After going through customs, retrieving my bags was a hassle, and then trying to find the unmarked hallway to the domestic transfers terminal made me a little uncomfortable. I had to walk about 1 1/2 miles around the airport to get to yet another line for my next boarding pass to Brisbane.  My itinerary said I had 2 hours before my next flight left so I thought I had some time to relax, but with the lines and wait for the shuttle transport to the Quantas terminal, I was actually late for boarding my next flight.

The drama didn't end upon arrival in Brisbane.  The transport from the airport to my apartment broke down at the airport so about 8 others and myself had to wait for a new bus to arrive.  I finally stepped into my apartment at 3 PM local time on January 10 (about 12 AM EST) after leaving my house in Canton at 3 PM EST January 8.

That's it for now.  Off to unpack.

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