Thursday, January 22, 2009


Last night a few of us finally watched the Obama inauguration speech and were floored by the seas of people who showed up at the mall in D.C.  It was sucha beautiful sight to see so many Americans coming together for such a historic event in our lives.  I was unfortunately unable to watch it live due to the lack of a t.v. coupled that it aired at 3 am local time.  Other than Chief Justice John Roberts screwing up probably the most important segment of the ceremony, it was a fascinating view.

If you thought coverage of the election and inauguration was extensive in the U.S., you would be floored by the amount of media attention it has received down under.  Many nations obviously are interested in what is going on in the U.S., but it seems to me that Australia has a very keen eye on what is happening state-side.  I have been very proud walking around campus as an Obama supporter, and have received much praise from people of other nations for finally getting our election "right".  I am not in to politics as much as I should be, but it is nice not having to defend G.B. 2 any more.

On a lighter note for those who like music, give Chris Nathan a peek.  He's got some good stuff out right now.  "Happy" and "I wouldn't change a thing" are my favorites, but let me know what you think.


1 comment:

  1. i went to the inaug. and it wasn't so great. ( but, im glad to hear that not every country thinks we're total shmucks! and why the hell would you defend gb2? haha. -- angela
