Sunday, January 11, 2009


So I met two great people today and they are both from Norway funny enough.  Not that I have anything against Norway in any shape or form, but it's just strange that the first two people I become friends with are from the same, small, Scandinavian country.  Their names are Christian and Alex (I got permission to use their real names) and both are in their first semester here at Bond.  Both guys live in my apartment building and Alex is actually a journalism student as well. We got to talking in the lobby earlier this morning, and just got back from enjoying a Pizza Hut dinner (not quite ready for the Australian cuisine just yet).

Christian is the equivalent to a Junior and has studied in Oslo, London, and now Australia.  Alex just got out of his first year or mandatory service in the Norwegian army.

Dinner and company was nice, but we all are exhausted from our respective travels so early to bed tonight.  Tomorrow marks the first official day at Bond with the beginning of Bond Week where I will receive my student I.D. and start living the college lifestyle again.   


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