Sunday, February 1, 2009


Today I had my first real taste of soccer in Australia!  It was a lot of fun!  The way the school breaks up the teams is by home country, so I thought I would be representing Team USA, but once I got to the field, that wasn't so.  
I know soccer hasn't boomed in the US like it has in practically every other country in the world, but there were only 3 Americans who signed up for the team.  Hmmm.  How can the most popular sport in the USA for kids under age 16 only have 3 representatives in a school of about 4,o00?  Anyway, the three of us joined the MIBS team.  I wish I could remember which countries make up MIBS, but we can now add an "A" somewhere in there.  (Malaysia and Indonesia are the "M" and "I")
Today was a big step literally for me because it marked the first time I was playing in a soccer game since my ankle injury that ended my college career.  I was very hesitant at points which frustrated me, but I eventually started playing my game.  I am the first to admit I'm not a great player, but I did score our first goal on a header from a corner kick.  We found ourselves playing Team Latino who apparently are the best side in the school, and pretty much got dominated from the opening whistle.  Down 1-0 at half, we evened things up just a few minutes into the second, and actually took the lead 5 minutes later.  After our go-ahead goal, the Latinos seemed to kick things into gear but couldn't score for a while.  They finally broke back and took the lead for good with about 15 minutes left.  We had some good opportunities in the final 5 minutes, but couldn't get the job done.  All in all it was a fun day, and important for me to get back on the field.
Right now the ankle feels a bit shaky and weak, but tomorrow will be the big test as to how it is going to react for the rest of the semester.

Tomorrow morning I will be waking up early (I don't have any classes) to watch the super bowl on Monday.  It is very interesting to have basically zero coverage of the "biggest game of the year".  If the Patriots were in the game I would be going insane, but since they are not, it's not as big of a deal.  A few of us are heading to a local bar to check out the game and maybe enjoy some breakfast.  I'm going to go with the Cardinals because I really don't like the Steelers, but I think the Steelers will win.  I am going to miss the traditional buffalo wings my dad makes and the endless array of snacks my mom prepares every year, hanging with the foursome, and having "Super Sunday", but I guess I can deal with not being home for a year.

Goodnight from Paradise!

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