Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Byron aftermath...

This past weekend was a blast!  We went to Byron bay as mentioned before at it was beautiful. The beach was fantastic, waves, amazing, and jumping out of another plane was exhilarating. That's right, ANOTHER plane.  The sky dive was part of the package to go so I "had" to do it. HAHA.  We jumped about two miles from the coast at around 7 am when the sun was just rising.  After we waited for a bit and had two meals at the airstrip, we took a bus to the coast for a surfing lesson.  I managed to finally ride a wave from swell all the way through the break. It took a bit of effort and a lot of falling, but I finally was able to do it!  We then headed to a hostile to shower up and get ready for the night.  The nightcap was a big party at a restaurant/bar called Cheeky Monkeys.  It was "Bond Night" so we were given free drinks, and the D.J. was handing out champagne for a few hours.  It was a great weekend!  

Sunday and Monday were study days for me.  I had a mid-term to prepare for on Tuesday and a few papers to turn in  as well.  Tuesday came and went quickly with the exam, a class, and a few beers to celebrate the end of exams.  This morning I had a class and now I am just relaxing in preparation for tonight's Res Wars event... Netball.  That's it for now...

1 comment:

  1. did you get any "monkey bucks" from cheeky monkeys, I went there too! I still have one of their bills haha

